YTY Ends 2020 with a Best-In-Class EHS Track Record

YTY is pleased to confirm that it has finished the 2020 calendar year with a best-in-class track record in respect of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) compliance.

The Company has outperformed in specific metrics of review defined under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). This includes both the Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) measure of performance, and the Loss Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) measure of performance. TCIR is defined as the number of work-related injuries per one million man hours during a one year period. LTIFR is defined as the number of loss-time injuries per one million man hours during a one year period.

In 2020, YTY Group’s TCIR was 0.61x. This compares to an OSHA best-in-class global target of 3.0x for the manufacturing sector, reflecting outperformance by YTY of 80%. YTY also benchmarked its TCIR track record against a leading glove manufacturer, based on publicly available information, and found that it outperformed by 81%.

Similarly, YTY Group’s LTIFR during the same period was 0.28x. This compares to an OSHA best-in-class global target of 0.5x for the manufacturing sector, reflecting outperformance by YTY of 44%. YTY also benchmarked its LTIFR track record against a leading glove manufacturer, based on publicly available information, and found that it outperformed by 71%.

This is a strong showing across both areas, given that each score aggregates safety data from all operating sites across multiple jurisdictions and geographies across the Group, including our Indonesian operations, which are equally class-leading in their EHS performance.

YTY is pleased to have achieved these results despite the challenges that COVID-19 brought to our operations, our people, and our processes in 2020. It should be noted that during this period, the Group continued to carefully, but progressively, undertake large and complex expansionary projects in both Malaysia and Indonesia, and that the performance data referenced above encapsulates these areas of focus.

Ahsok Ramasamy, who leads the Company’s EHS efforts, notes “As a builder and operator of heavy assets, nothing is more important to YTY than the safety of our processes, the redundancy of our systems, and the ability to ensure our employees have a safe and healthy workplace environment. We also take substantial care to cherish and respect the communities we are situated in, particularly from an environmental standpoint, to ensure we are viewed as a responsible corporate citizen.”

Ahsok further states “Last year, we received the Gold Class I award from the Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety & Health (MSOSH), the main governing body for occupational safety and health standards within Malaysia, for our EHS performance relating to a primary Green Prospect site in 2019.”

“This was the highest award we could receive given that we were a first-time participant. The Company was honored to be conferred this recognition, but I am pleased to note that our safety statistics in 2020 reflect the fact that we raised the bar even higher than in the year prior.”

The Company’s best-in-class EHS performance in 2020, not just within the glove industry, but when benchmarked against the global manufacturing sector as a whole, is a substantial achievement, and speaks to the robust systems and disciplined philosophy with which Environment, Health and Safety initiatives are focused on and prioritized internally.