Investing in Tomorrow:

YTY Supports Refurbishment of Local School Library

YTY is pleased to sponsor the refurbishment and relocation of a library and resource center at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Maha Ganesa Viddyasalai, a local primary school situated in the Manjung district, a short distance away from YTY’s Sitiawan manufacturing facilities.  The sponsorship reflects YTY’s ongoing commitment to education, community development, and empowering young learners.

Renamed the YTY Knowledge Center, the library and resource center aims to improve students’ accessibility to learning resources and provide a vibrant and modern learning space equipped with comfortable reading areas and an expanded collection of books to provide students with an enriching environment conducive to exploration, discovery and academic excellence.

In addition to revitalized physical resources, the center will now offer access to digital platforms, multimedia resources, and innovative learning technologies, to ensure students have access to a diverse range of educational materials tailored to their interests and needs.  The refurbished center will serve as a hub for intellectual growth, creativity and collaboration within the local community.

Ravi Ragunathan, Vice President of Human Resources at the company notes, “At YTY, we firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of progress and development.  It is through access to quality resources and opportunities that young minds can unlock their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.  Our sponsorship of the YTY Knowledge Center is not just an investment in the school, but an investment in the future of the youth in Sitiawan.”

Ravi goes on to note, “The students of SJKT Maha Ganesa Viddyasalai have, time and again, shown excellence through their active participation in various competitions resulting in numerous awards both at the local and international stage.  We hope that with the YTY Knowledge Center, the students will be even more inspired and motivated to push boundaries in their pursuit of knowledge and recognition.”

Mariammah Krishnan, Headmistress of SJKT Maha Ganesa Viddyasalai notes, “We are incredibly grateful to YTY for the generous sponsorship towards our library refurbishment project.  Without this support, we would not have been able to embark on this project and see it to completion.  Previously, the teachers and students of SJKT Maha Ganesa Viddyasalai would have had to travel to a nearby school to use their facilities for our media projects and competitions.  Now, I am proud to say, we can vie for having the best library and resource center in Sitiawan!  We are excited to see the positive impact this refurbished library will have on our students’ learning experience.”

YTY’s Ravi Ragunathan notes, “We thank all who were involved in making this project a success especially the teachers and faculty members of SJKT Maha Ganesa Viddyasalai for their dedication to teaching excellence, and their commitment to creating a nurturing learning environment for the students.  YTY is honored to stand alongside them in this endeavor.”

YTY’s sponsorship of the refurbishment project reflects our broader corporate social responsibility initiatives aimed at making a positive impact in the communities we serve.  By investing in education and empowering young learners, YTY continues to demonstrate our dedication to creating a brighter future for generations that follow.

Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Maha Ganesa Viddyasalai
YTY representatives pose with school staff and students at the new YTY Knowledge Center.
Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Maha Ganesa Viddyasalai
Students excitedly explore their new library and resource center during the launch.
Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Maha Ganesa Viddyasalai
All smiles as a student happily reads her favorite book at the refurbished library.